About RCSM
RCSM is a company dedicated to development, optimization and update of automatic trading systems operating in the foreign currency market FOREX.
RCSM designed numerous trading systems in the foreign currency market FOREX to join them into a large portfolio (REBEL SOLUTION). Shared with our partner, it was made publicly available in order to make investments. Rebel solution is a fully automated portfolio built on the most robust foundations of the FOREX market aimed to achieve long-term stable profits.
Rebelsolution is a fully automated software portfolio (dozens of systems) that works 24 hours a day, 5 days a week to constantly evaluate current situation in the FOREX market. It is built on the firmest foundations of the foreign exchange market, namely logical and natural market cycles rooted in the beginnings of FOREX. The software can handle every market conditions, ranging from side-by-side trading to trend trading, during periods of low and high volatility. Trades are made mostly on long-term basis secured by classic stop-loss orders. Direct connection of portfolio to publicly accessible portal myfxbook guarantees 100% transparency of overall performance.

How does it work?
Portfolio is based on fundamental natural market cycles that at times exhibit fascinating accuracy. Due to extensive experience in private capital management and a team's experience in software coding, it was possible to transform large portion of manually traded systems into algorithms with a great long-term potential, and expand it into various variations, all of that gave rise to a large portfolio of Rebel solution.
The portfolio works as a stock market index with improved performance. Nevertheless, even the best trading system has its weaker periods likewise the Rebelsolution. As it works as a stock market index, it means that what goes down (equity curve) will go up one day, i.e. bad periods that might come will always be appropriate for new investments.
Historical results (back tests) on a 20-year data period exhibit strong robustness even in the hardest times. Nevertheless, we do not promote these results as we are fully aware of other strong factors influencing real trading, which was taken into account at first place, i.e. real experience of manual trading (human factor) are primary building blocks of the whole portfolio.
- DepositMinimal deposit is 2 000 EUR. Afterwards it is already possible to deposit even lesser amount (regular investing). With deposits of more than 30 000 EUR it is advised to contact us in advance.
- HorizontRebel solution is tuned for longer periods, therefore it is recommended to stay invested optimally for 3 and more years.
- LosesMaximum loss, whereby market disinvestment is pending, stands at 40%. Standard volatility should be capped under 20%.
- Fees25% of total profit, 2% p.a. management fee and 2% entry fee
- Expected return on investmentTarget return on investment is at 20-40 % p.a.(on average)
- WithdrawalsSystems are by nature designed for buy-and-hold trading for weeks up to months, therefore in case of withdrawals it is recommended to consult the most suitable period to do so.
Portfolio Performance
The Past and Future
Overview of portfolio performance can be seen in real-time simply by logging into the Purple Zone, where a client can view overall portfolio performance, withdraw or deposit money anytime. It could not be any simpler. Join us now!
Historical and current performance of Rebel solution portfolio
Portfolio back test, since year 2000 without volume increase.

How to connect to Rebel solution?
Interested in Rebel Solution
In case you are interested in Rebelsolution, a cooperation or have any questions, please contact us by means of the following form.